Tuesday, July 31, 2018

I love the horns made by the individual known to us only by the name "Folksy Artist".  An unknown horner from the 18th Century.  I have made two horns the are inspired by his work.  These are my favorite horns.  Both have sold.  I plan to make another hopefully get to keep it myself.

We attend The Fort Frederick Market Fair every year.  Here are some pictures of my tables from 2017.  Somewhere I have pictures form this past year and when I find them I will post them too.  We enjoy the event and now that I am retired from my "day job" we hope to be able to get around to more events throughout the year.

Above are some of my son Aaron's knives.  All are 1084 or 1095 steel and scary sharp.

Some of my horns

A handful of pouches I made this spring.  All out of bark tanned deer hide.  I don't usually line my pouches with cloth, though I may use deer hide.  I find it gets annoying catching worms, vent picks and other accoutrements on the linen fabric.  But if you want me to make you a pouch and line it with linen or hemp or some such, I will be glad to suit your needs.

Monday, July 16, 2018

A recent addition is this rifle patterned after several Christian Springs rifles most notably the Oerter Griffin rifle but more generally copied after several rifles from that shop.  It has a 54 caliber, 38 inch c-wt Rice swamped barrel, the Chambers Dale Johnson lock with a sugar maple stock and brass hardware from Reaves Goehring.  I am asking $2200 for this piece. Sold